Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Daughter's Essay on Dreams

Her assignment was to write about hobbies - I can't tell you how proud I am of this darling child. I am sharing this with her permission.


I have a very unusual hobby, activity or whatever else you would like to call it - it is dreaming. When you read this, you are probably thinking of images in your sub-conscious as you are sleeping, but my hobby is much simpler. I am referring the kind of dreaming that gets you motivated and makes your heart feel like it has grown larger, the kind that makes people smile and makes billionaires rich. Hoping, dreaming and wishing are usually what people say get you nowhere but if you look closer you see the things that I see, things I see every day that make tears well up in my eyes, you’ll understand. I know things other people do not, if they could just see through the glamour of money and wealth and dream they would know it too.

Most people like reading, writing, or playing sports but dreaming is better than all of them. If you dream, you can make anything happen for you or another person. A dream is what starts everything and anyone can do it. You can dream about sports or even making them better, you can dream about new reading or writing strategies, you can even dream about dreaming if you have to. If you dream, you can make anything happen.

If you have a good idea, you cannot express that in sports all the time or in almost anything else. You can always express your thoughts in dreaming. Dreaming always starts as an idea and then it becomes something bigger and better. No matter what, people will always listen. I get why some people think that only hard work can get you to the top and that dreaming is not work at all, but they are completely wrong. Dreaming is hard work it takes a lot of hard work but in the end, even one smile of gratitude is worth it. Hard work always gets a reward even if it is not money.

A dream can help your neighborhood, city, state or even your country. All of the laws we have now were started by dreams, the declaration of independence was even started by a dream. Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream, a dream that all men and women, boys and girls would be treated equally. He was killed because he had a dream but his idea moved on. Dr. King’s dream was carried out and even when he died, his dream lived on. Even if people do not agree with your dream it still can be carried out.

My point for dreaming is not to benefit myself. My dreaming is made by the idea of others. The dreams I make are controlled by me and yet they control me, I base my life on the ideas I have and the dreams I envision. Some people might say dreaming is worthless but dreaming is the way you get to the top, the way you become billionaires and the way all people live. Everyone has a dream, a vision like when you were a little kid and they asked you what you wanted to be; a dream can be as simple as that. A dream is an idea, a miraculous idea that you think can change everything. A dream is a new way of thinking or living. A dream is everything.

“You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you will join us. And the world will live as one.” - John Lennon.

That's my baby, y'all.

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